NIST专家Mr. Onion爆料BTC防破解思路

NIST专家Mr. Onion爆料BTC防破解思路
2021年01月25日 12:19 链得得App











这关系到BTC市值的数学基础是否牢靠,从而关系到所有BTC持有者的财产安全。因此,以维护区块链社区公平为己任的墨媒体,决定推出"防量子破解及公链专题",第一篇文章是对Mr Onion的采访。Onion既是黑客大神也是破解算法专家,据说他是美国NIST专家组的核心成员。


NIST expert.Encryption algorithms experts.A number of well-known hacker organizations algorithm consultant and Government public relations consultant.美国NIST专家加密算法界的专家若干知名黑客组织的算法顾问和政府公共关系顾问


Mr. Onion: IBM, Google, and China have invested heavily in quantum computers. Based on public information and the information we have in our circles, quantum computers could be commercially available in as little as six years, and in as little as 10 years.洋葱先生:无论IBM、谷歌、中国,都重金投入量子计算机。根据公开信息和我们圈内掌握的信息来看,量子计算机最快在6年内商用,最慢在10年内就可大规模的成熟的商用。


Mr. Onion: Whether the hacker will wait, whether it will wait six years or how many years, depends not on what the average hacker thinks, depends on what the top hacker thinks. From what I've seen firsthand, which is not known to the outside world, the top hackers think that as long as the value of a crack is greater than the cost of the quantum computing power required to crack it, the top hackers don't want to be left behind.洋葱先生:黑客是否会等,会等6年还是多少年,不取决于普通黑客怎么想,取决于顶级黑客怎么想。以我掌握的不为外界所知的第一手资料,顶级黑客会这样来思考,只要破解带来的价值远大于破解需要的量子算力的成本,顶级黑客一定不愿意落后于其他黑客。


Mr. Onion: Whether the hacker will wait, whether it will wait six years or how many years, depends not on what the average hacker thinks, depends on what the top hacker thinks. From what I've seen firsthand, which is not known to the outside world, the top hackers think that as long as the value of a crack is greater than the cost of the quantum computing power required to crack it, the top hackers don't want to be left behind.洋葱先生:作为美国NIST的专家,作为加密算法界的一员,作为黑客组织的顾问,我和若干知名黑客讨论过破解BTC签名的若干方法,如下:通过量子算力,万倍亿倍加速用穷举法生成有效私钥通过量子算力,破解私钥


Mr. Onion: Hackers and organizations all act for profit. Even if a Chinese hacker or a patriotic hacker in the United States acts for the national interest, it is for profit, but it is for the collective interest. Here's my view on how top hackers can maximize their business gains:The identity and signature of the BTC holder can be completely camouflage after obtaining a valid private key through exhaustive computation or cracking the signature algorithm through quantum computing power.On the premise of not causing drastic fluctuations in the market price, gradually and slowly sell 10-20% of BTC through the market.Monetize BTC as much as possible before the news of BTC cracking is widely known. 洋葱先生:黑客及组织所有行为都是为了利益,即便是中国红客或美国爱国黑客为了民族或国家利益而行动,那也是为了利益,只不过是集体利益。顶级黑客将如何最大化获得商业利益,我的观点如下:通过量子算力,通过穷举获得有效私钥或者通过破解签名算法,然后就可以彻底伪装BTC持有者的身份及签名以不造成市场价格剧烈波动为前提,逐步的慢慢的将10-20%的BTC通过市场出售而自然变现在BTC被破解消息广为人知之前,尽可能最大化的将BTC货币化(出售)


Mr. Onion: In theory, a 4,000-bit quantum computer could crack bitcoin in seconds. Google has launched a 72-qubit quantum computer, and China has also launched a 76-photon quantum computing prototype "Jiuzhang". According to current theory, the quantum computing system can process Gaussian bosose sampling 100 trillion times faster than today's fastest supercomputers (it would take a supercomputer about 100 million years to complete a task in a minute for Nine Chapters9). We estimate that within two years there will be quantum computers that can crack bitcoin. Within one to one and a half years, a lot of hackers will be on the move; But only the top hackers stand to gain.The world is rich and profitable, Hackers hustle and bustle for profit.洋葱先生:理论上,一台4000比特的量子计算机可在几秒内破解比特币。谷歌已推出72个量子比特的量子计算机,中国也推出76个光子的量子计算原型机“九章”。根据现有理论,该量子计算系统处理高斯玻色取样的速度比目前最快的超级计算机快一百万亿倍(“九章”一分钟完成的任务,超级计算机需要大约一亿年)。我们估计两年内将诞生能破解比特币的量子计算机。在1-1.5年内不少黑客都会行动;但只有顶级黑客会有所斩获天下熙熙兼为利来,黑客攘攘兼为利往


Mr. Onion: No, no, no, don't worry too much, currency user can pay attention to anti-quantum crack signature algorithm, anti-quantum crack public chain, and BTC itself should also evolve, but the speed may be unknown, after all, when the hacker action is unknown, perhaps in the last year will go.洋葱先生:不不不,不用太担心,币民可关注防量子破解的签名算法、防量子破解的公链,而BTC自己也应该会进化的,只是速度如何可能是未知的,毕竟黑客何时行动是未知的,也许最近一年就会行动。





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