福伊特计划收购列车齿轮箱供应商 IGW Rail

福伊特计划收购列车齿轮箱供应商 IGW Rail
2022年07月13日 22:23 轨道世界



德国海德海姆和捷克布尔诺2022年7月12日福伊特集团计划收购安杰达轨道(IGW Rail)。安杰达轨道公司总部位于捷克布尔诺,隶属于总部位于比利时的BMT集团,主要生产用于轨道车辆的齿轮箱。通过该项收购,福伊特将成为全球最大的轨道车辆齿轮箱和变速箱独立制造商之一。相关收购协议已于2022年7月6日签署完成。


安杰达轨道在全球范围内拥有四个生产基地,分别位于布尔诺(捷克)、浦那(印度)、曾斯维尔(美国)和苏州(中国),有近500名员工。安杰达轨道和福伊特都希望通过此次收购使双方能够更加贴近客户。在过去的25年里,安杰达轨道共计向全球范围内的客户交付了逾10万件齿轮箱和联轴器。"这些产品在市场上已经非常成熟,需要定期检修并提供备件。"安杰达轨道首席执行官Rudy Thoma先生表示,"在未来,依托福伊特24/7的全天候服务解决方案,我们将能够为客户提供更加卓越的服务。"






HEIDENHEIM, GERMANY / BRNO, CZECH REPUBLIC. Technology Group Voith is planning to take over IGW Rail. The company, which is headquartered in Brno (Czech Republic), specializes in gear units for rail vehicles and is part of the BMT Group, which is headquartered in Belgium. Through the envisioned acquisition Voith would become one of the world’s largest independent manufacturers of rail vehicle gear units and transmissions. A corresponding purchase agreement was signed on July 6th, 2022.

IGW Rail is a globally operating high-tech company that has specialized in customized gear unit and coupling solutions for the rail vehicle industry. Its product range covers all types of rail vehicle, from heavy locomotives to light rail, and from trams and subways to high-speed trains. “As Voith also supplies a wide range of components for these rail vehicle markets, IGW perfectly complements the Voith portfolio. Sustainable drive solutions have been part of the DNA of both companies for decades. Together, we aim to push the worldwide development of innovative gear unit system solutions for all rail vehicle manufacturers,” says Cornelius Weizmann, member of the Voith Corporate Board of Management and President and CEO of Voith Turbo.    

IGW Rail has four production facilities in Brno (Czech Republic), Pune (India), Zanesville (USA) and Suzhou (China), and employs around 500 people in total. Both IGW Rail and Voith expect the acquisition to offer them even greater customer proximity. In the last 25 years alone, IGW Rail has delivered more than 100,000 gear units and couplings worldwide. “These components, that are well established on the market, need to be regularly overhauled and supplied with spare parts,” says Rudy Thoma, CEO of IGW Rail. He is looking forward to the fact that “in future, we will be able to provide even better customer service thanks to Voith’s 24/7 service solutions.”    

The deal is expected to be completed by beginning of the fourth quarter 2022, subject to the receipt of all regulatory approvals and compliance with other customary closing conditions. Both parties agreed not to disclose the purchase price. 

About IGW Rail 

IGW Rail was founded in 1949 in Belgium, Oostkamp and is one of the market leaders for independent gear unit supply. The company has been part of the family-managed BMT Group since 1991. The company employs around 500 people in total.




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