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卡瑟琳·詹森-博伊德(Cathrine Jansson-Boyd)是一位来自英国安格利亚鲁斯金大学(Anglia Ruskin University)的消费心理学教授,多年来她一直在研究不同的消费行为及其背后的原因与机制,尤其是那些尚未得到充分探讨的人类行为,比如与购物节相关的消费心理学。通过她的研究,你或许能找到保卫钱包的好办法。
在特价促销活动中,商家们常常会围绕一种名为“错失恐惧症”(fear of missing out,FOMO,也称社群恐慌症)的焦虑心理构建营销策略,来抓住消费者的注意力,这种方法非常有效。
A Psychologist’s Tips for Avoiding Overconsumption
Rachel Feltman: It’s almost Thanksgiving, and you know what that means: it’s already been “Black Friday” for, like, a week. What used to be a post-turkey American shopping tradition has ballooned into a global phenomenon of November sales. If you’re feeling the urge to do some serious damage to your bank account this week, you’re definitely not alone—and you shouldn’t blame yourself; these sales are designed and marketed to send you into a shopping spiral.
For Scientific American’s Science Quickly, I’m Rachel Feltman. My guest today is Cathrine Jansson-Boyd, professor of consumer psychology at Anglia Ruskin University. She’s here to tell us all about the psychology behind Black Friday shopping and what we can do to protect ourselves and our wallets.
Thank you so much for joining us to chat today.
Cathrine Jansson-Boyd: Thank you for having me.
Feltman: So your expertise is in consumer psychology. Could you tell us a little bit about what kinds of questions you try to answer in your research?
Jansson-Boyd: So I’ve been really lucky, in terms of my research career, that I have been able to look at very many different approaches to consumer behaviors. And generally what I’m interested in is trying to tap into aspects of human behavior that really hasn’t been addressed before. And this encompasses tactile input, for an example—which, when I started my career a long time ago, we knew very little about—so how you can use touch to change people’s perception. So I have done quite a lot on that.
I have also looked at how to reduce energy consumption. That’s something that tends to be notoriously difficult to do because people often are not conscious of how they’re using energy. So that presents quite a lot of challenge.
And along very similar lines I’ve also been involved in trying to reduce food waste within people’s homes—again, often something that happens subconsciously; people don’t even know that they’re throwing away food. So I’ve looked at quite a lot of environmentally linked aspects of consumption, but I’ve also looked at more kind of pure commercialized elements such as: How do we make a tea box more appealing? What is it that’s gonna make someone buy that? How do you communicate a specific type of marketing message, depending on what it is you’re trying to sell?
I've also looked quite a lot [at] aesthetics—so looking at the design elements, what can we do to change people’s perception? How do we kind of make it congruent with their actual beliefs so that people see something and then think, “Wow, that’s very attractive,” because people tend to buy things because they’re attractive, but equally, actually, “This is a functionable thing”?
So, you know, if you’re buying a Hoover—or a vacuum cleaner, sorry—you tend to look at the aesthetics of it, and people go, “No, you don’t if you buy a vacuum cleaner,” but actually you do, very much so. But equally you need to show it’s a functionable thing, something that, actually, people need, so that you kind of create a congruent message.
So that’s some of the things that I’ve done. So it’s quite diverse, to be honest [laughs].
Feltman: Yeah, well, I could ask you a million different questions [laughs] about the things you just mentioned, but today we are gonna talk about holiday shopping and sales specifically. What is it about shopping sales and discounts that, like, really messes with our heads and, and impacts our behavior?
Jansson-Boyd: Well, so we’re conditioned, to start off with, to look at price. So that’s something that consumers are very much driven by, regardless of what it is that they’re purchasing. So because you are very much in tune with that, when you come across something that you think is a bargain, you tend to get quite excited. So there’s an adrenaline rush going through your system.
And we also know through [functional magnetic resonance imaging] scans—so when we’re looking at the brain—if you are quite excited about a price, the same part of the brain that deals with general pleasurable experiences is actually activated ...
Feltman: Oh, wow.
Jansson-Boyd: So, so that tells us, when we see something that’s got a really good price, not only do we experience the adrenaline rush, but we actually experience genuine pleasure. So you couple that with potential excitement or thinking, “Oh, you know, there’s a sale; that means if I don’t grab it now, I could be missing out,” makes people...[full transcript]
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