
2024年11月27日 19:51 CGTNGlobalBusiness
【德国家电巨头:“严格”的中国消费者促进我们的全球创新】11月26日,由博西家电举办的“博西中国创新发展峰会暨博西中国30周年”活动在南京举行。博西家电董事会主席兼首席执行官迈致远在接受CGTN采访时表示,中国消费者十分“严格”,乐于尝试新产品、新事物。消费者的需求促使博西中国在整个集团中发挥着创新引擎的重要作用。#链博会2024##投资中国##供应链的发展如何改变我们的生活# The BSH China Inno Vision Summit was held in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, on Tuesday, celebrating the home appliance company's 30th anniversary in China. Matthias Metz, chairman of the board of management and CEO of BSH Home Appliances Group, told CGTN that BSH China has played a pivotal role as an innovation engine for the global group over the past 30 years due to its "demanding" consumers.


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