
2024年11月28日 15:58 CGTNGlobalBusiness
#链博会2024#【链上“朋友圈”:健康生活链】想象一下,当你老了,行动不便时,会不会对生活质量有所焦虑呢?别怕,跟着我们在链博会上“交朋友”,探索会场上展出的黑科技如何使健康生活更轻松。戳视频,看健康科技如何通过全球供应链惠及大众。#国家医保药品目录新增26种肿瘤用药#Imagine this: When you are much older, will you be worried about your quality of life? Check out this video to see us exploring the latest healthcare technologies and how they make our lives easier. Discover how these technologies are connecting the world through their supply chains and offering benefits to everyone.


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