硬扛!eLife正面回应被On hold!

硬扛!eLife正面回应被On hold!
2024年10月25日 09:29 弗雷赛斯-freescience



首先坐实了昨天的猜想,此次on hold就是因为elife“不拒稿”的出版模式。elife直指wos这个决定是“扼杀了展示如何使用开放科学原则改进出版和同行评审的尝试This decision from Web of Science stifles attempts to show how publishing and peer review can be improved using open science principles, and instead gives the appearance of ongoing support for established and ineffective publishing models that have needed to change for so long.”

WOS的期刊影响因子一直以来是期刊质量的制定者和几乎唯一指标,但eLife在文中明确否定了影响因子:“作为《研究评估宣言》的长期签署者,我们从未支持过影响因子,也从未想要过。仅凭发表本身不足以作为衡量有效性的信号和指标。期刊名称或其影响因子几乎不能说明任何一篇研究文章的质量。相反我们创建了一个模型,可以审查、评估和直接参与研究,而无需代用指标。As a long-term signatory of the Declaration on Research Assessment we have never supported the Impact Factor and never wanted one. Publication alone is a poor signal and measure of validity. A journal name or its Impact Factor says little about the quality of any individual research article. Instead we created a model that reviews, assesses and directly engages with research without the need for proxies."太刚了,wos不会一气之下就剔除吧。




由于国内多数科研机构的期刊标准,无论如何,此次被On hold,elife国内作者的投稿量将显著下降。


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